2024 年 4 月 27 日

Adobe stated that they are disappointed that the deal will not be moving forward and that they will continue to focus on their own products and services. Figma also expressed their regret about the termination of the deal but mentioned that they will proceed independently. Both companies appreciate the support they have received and are committed to providing innovative solutions for their users.

The termination of the deal between Adobe and Figma has significant implications for the design software market. It means that Figma will remain an independent entity, and Adobe will have to find other ways to enhance its design tools and services. This development will likely impact the competition in the market and lead to changes in strategies for both companies. Despite the deal falling through, both Adobe and Figma remain optimistic about their future prospects and are determined to continue delivering value to their customers. 星期一上午,这些公司决定取消收购计划。因此,2022年9月宣布的耗资200亿欧元的交易将不会完成。

早些时候,Adobe仍表现出决心解决欧洲委员会的担忧。Adobe愿意剥离类似于Figma提供的产品Adobe XD。此外,它不想将Figma纳入Adobe Creative Cloud套件。

现在听到了失望的声音,“Adobe和Figma绝对不同意监管机构最近的调查结果,但我们认为最好是独立前行,” Adobe的首席执行官Shantanu Narayen说道。

尽管收购计划已完全搁置,Figma的宣布表明,未来有合作可能。 公司们表示他们将不再单独追求各自的道路。“尽管我们正在离开那个未来,继续作为一个独立公司,但我们很高兴找到与我们的用户合作的方式。”

尽管涉及的公司感到不满,这一消息将让许多开发者松了一口气。他们认为这一收购对 Figma 正在取得的快速发展以及工具的免费或价格友好的使用构成了威胁。