2024 年 4 月 20 日

Adobe Drops Figma Acquisition Deal Citing Regulatory Pushback

After failing to convince the relevant regulators, Adobe and Figma are dropping the $20 billion merger deal they announced earlier, both companies revealed today.

The roadblocks came in the form of market competition acts from the UK and EU, which disallowed the merger deal, citing possible law violations. Though Adobe and Figma tried to convince them, it didn’t work out, leading to Adobe dropping the agreement and paying a $1 billion withdrawal penalty to Figma.

Adobe Cancels Figma Deal

What’s supposed to become a grand merger in the design industry has now fallen apart due to regulatory pushback. The Adobe-Figma acquisition was touted as the next big thing after Microsoft-Blizzard’s this year. But, it was dropped after Adobe failing to convince the global regulators of the deal’s legality.

Regulators in the UK, EU, and the US have been investigating possible law violations of the Adobe-Figma deal. 在9月中旬宣布了他们的决定,并最终决定永久保持独立。

Adobe和Figma今日宣布放弃 (opens new window)价值200亿美元的交易,称“没有明确的途径可以获得欧洲委员会和英国竞争与市场管理局所必需的批准”。

Adobe首席执行官Shantanu Narayen在宣布这一决定时表示 (opens new window):“Adobe和Figma对最近的监管调查结果持强烈异议,但我们认为独立前行符合我们各自的最佳利益”。

未来,Adobe和Figma将继续作为独立公司运营,并签署了终止协议,解决了所有未决事项,其中包括Adobe支付Figma 10亿美元作为退出罚款。

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